Sailboat rentals in the Canary Islands

Pogo 36 - Canary Islands

From November to April Sail Fast Experience offers you the Pogo 36 in the Canary Islands. Our yacht charter service in the Canary Islands offers the experience of sailing around different islands such as Lanzarote, Tenerife, Gran Canaria, Fuerteventura, La Palma, El Hierro and La Gomera.

Due to the good climate, it is possible to sail around the Canary Islands at any time of the year. Their excellent geographical location and unbeatable weather conditions for sailing make each trip an unforgettable experience for any sailor.

In this paradise you can enjoy a unique, idyllic landscape that is full of volcanoes and has miles of coastline. You will also discover enchanting beaches, giant cliffs, natural swimming pools and the immensity of the ocean. 

The Canary Islands have numerous ports and marinas that make it easy to plan sailing trips of one or more days. If on top of this you add the friendliness of the people, their lifestyle and cuisine, the Canary Islands are the perfect destination for a sailing holiday.

  • length 10.86 m
  • no. people 6
  • cabins 3 double
  • price from

Cruising routes

in the Canary Islands

Nautical miles from Lanzarote to:

  1. La Graciosa 25'
  2. Playa Blanca 220'
  3. Corralejo 2525'
  4. Puerto del Rosario 4040'
  5. Morro Jable 7575'
  6. Las Palmas 115115'
  7. Los Caideros 145'
  8. Santa Cruz 150150'
  9. Los Cristianos 185185'
  10. San Sebastian 205205'
  11. Puerto de la Estaca 245'
  12. Santa Cruz 230'
  13. Tazacorte  260'